
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 應用加權式灰關聯法與自動分群技術於遺失值填補問題
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Applying Weighted Grey Relational Analysis and Auto Clustering Technique to Missing Values Completion
作者 吳元彰沈永勝楊鍵樵
頁次 77-87
關鍵字 灰關聯最近鄰居法遺失值相似度加權式灰關聯法Grey-based nearest neighbors approachMissing valueSimilarityWeighted grey relational analysisEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200703




This paper provides two improvements on the grey-based nearest neighbors approach for missing value prediction. First, in regard to similarity measurement, the weighted grey relational analysis is proposed to calculate the similarity between records. Second, when comparing times, the candidate set is used to reduce the number of comparisons in the complete data set. In the results from experiment 1, the weighted grey relational analysis outperforms the grey-based nearest neighbors approach in accuracy. The result of experiment 2 reveals that the proposed integrating method supplies missing values efficiently and accuracy is not harmed.
