
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 刀具研磨進退刀製程規劃
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Approach Retraction Process Planning for Tool Grinding
作者 呂淮熏李炳寅鍾證達鐘林樹
頁次 57-64
關鍵字 退刀量提刀距離刀具研磨Retract valueRetract distanceTool grindingEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200703




The end mills used for high-speed milling processes are very expensive. Hence, most tool manufacturers strive to cut down on production cost by enhancing the corresponding production capacity. For this purpose, this study uses CAD/CAM software for a manufacturing system to grind end mills coupled with the VERICUT simulation software for cutting to investigate the approach and retraction processes for grinding end mills. Calculation of retraction value and retraction distance is the major task here. Furthermore, the general sequence of approach and retraction is further investigated for improvement. The results show that the optimal general sequence obtained in this study can effectively shorten the grinding time and also improve grinding efficiency.
