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篇名 資產重估價經濟決定性因素之研究
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Economic Determinants of Asset
作者 林有志
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 資產重估價會計政策選擇Asset RevaluationAccounting Policy Choices
出刊日期 200506



(GAAP)允許企業在某些條件下重估其資產,資產重估價之實務已行之有年, 但這一直是個爭議性的題目,因為要不要重估?重估那些資產?都操之在公司管理當局手中。重估因受限於公告現值及蓮售物價之漲輻'不太可能每年為之,實務上我們看到有些公司選擇每幾年就重估一次,有些公司則重來就不曾重估。這日昔示我們,研究資產重估之動機比研究資產重估之時機有意義。



Asset revaluation is an old, but not out of date issue. Taiwan companies are permitted to revalue fixed assets upwards at management's distraction, controversies surroundings this features of this c。中orate financial reporting are of two kinds. The first that revaluation constitutes a major departure from historical cost and as such is bound up with long-standing disputes concerning the foundations of accounting measurement. The second is that the revaluations are at the discretion of management to some extent: Taiwan companies are free to decide whether to revalue and which fixed assets to revalue. In practice some companies revalue their assets from time to time while others never choose to do so. This suggests that it is worthwhile to explore the incentives of asset revaluation from a long-term perspective rather than its timing.

The present paper looks at whether decisions to revalue assets are motivated by economic considerations concerning the roles that published accounting reports play mcon仕acting and the “political"arena, using sample data drawn from 1991 to 1994. I find that the decisions to revalue tangible fixed assets upwards are positively associated with growth potential ( proxied by the market-to-book ratio), and companies' age. The interaction between indebtedness, growth opportunities and age are also important variables in explaining the choice of revaluation policy.
