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篇名 構築「一流生技公司」之策略地圓圓以台進公司之聚焦策略為例
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Construct a Strategy Map to Built Top Bio- Tech Company - An Example of Taiwan Salt Company's Focus Strategy
作者 施光訓林靜雯翁群楷張惠婷
頁次 39-58
關鍵字 平衡計分卡策略地圖KPI生技公司Balanced ScorecardStrategy MapBio- Tech Company
出刊日期 200506


(KPI) ,及有效目標達成度的衡量依據制定,使其目標與策略執行更完善。最後,透過企劃資訊處匯整問卷,根據各部門檢討意見將策略地圖中不適合的議題修正後確認台垃公司策略地圖無構,再將修正完成之後的策略地圖作相關連結並詳細說明,讓管理階層及全體員工都能清楚知道平衡計分卡策略地圓的核心精神及價值所在,以達到提升台造公司無形資產之最終目標。


The purpose of this research is to construct a “strategymap" by using a modem management tool - Balanced Scorecard, and will describe how it can be applied in Taiwan Salt Company. This study illustrates how “strategymap" can assist the process of strategy development and business management in Taiwan Salt Company. In order to construct the strategy map, this study interviewed top managers, and applied the interview results to build a question eel. The management team will then answer the question eel, and the process would be utilized to communicate to form the goals and subjects which may be implemented to enhance shareholders'value of this organization.
