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篇名 高科技產業對勞退金新制因應對策之探討
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 A Study of High-tech Industry Responsive-strategies to the New Labor Pension System
作者 蔡明春林淑萍楊紅玉方佳瑜
頁次 59-77
關鍵字 高科技產業因應措施勞退金新制High-Tech IndustryNew Pension SystemResponsive measures
出刊日期 200506




The New Pension system approved on Jun. 1I1h 2004 three rounds of legislation by the Legislative Yuan, and will be put into formal implementation starting from July 1 s1 2005. The new Pension system presents a major impact on enterprises that employ Labor Standards Act, and effects especially the firms' “management"and “costs"considerations.

In order to understand in depth the perspective of the High-Tech industry Sector and the responsive-strategies it will put into practice facing this significant new Policy, this study generated a survey among High-Tech Industries in Hsinchu areas with the period Mar. 1 s1 2005 - Mar. 31 s1 2005. The survey handed a total number of 100 questionnaires, among which 75 were returned with valid responses, and hence yielded an effective return rate of75%.

The main results from the study show that respondents believe the new system might escalate labor-management conflit, and enhance the rate of labor turnover rate. As for the responsive-strategy that will be carried out by the High-Tech industry in light of the new Labor Pension System, although there are slight differences in strategies, the following strategies are widely considered:“an evaluation of labor force rationalization",“an implementation of concrete measures to keep exceptional talents",“an increase in outsourcing rate".
