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篇名 領導型態、組織文化與激勵制度對工作滿足之實證研究
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Empirical Study of Leadership Style Organization Culture Motivation System and Job Satisfaction
作者 梁榮輝陳建壕
頁次 103-141
關鍵字 Leadership StyleOrganization CultureMotivation SystemJob Satisfaction領導型態組織文化工作滿足激勵制度
出刊日期 200506





The research used several population statistics variables to confer the relation between job satisfaction and its cause variables. The five research purposes are as follows : (1 )To understand the differences of personal and business variables on leadership style, organization culture, motivation system and job satisfaction.(2)To confer the specific influence and interaction relation of leadership style, organization culture and motivation system on job satisfaction.(3)To research the relation and influence degree of the interaction function of leadership style and motivation system on job satisfaction.( 4)To find out the relation and influence degree of the interaction function of organization culture and motivation system on job satisfaction.(5)To find out the relation between leadership style and organization culture.

The empirical researches based on the survey method leads the researchers to develop a questionnaire strategy to collect 333 copies of questionnaires. We also used several statistics methods including relation analysis, T test, ANOVA ,Scheffe test and analysis of regression. The models suggest some interesting empirical results to our interest are below :(l)The some differences comply with personal situations (e.g. sex, age, educational background ,marriage and position) on leadership style, organization culture, motivation system and job satisfaction.(2)Dissimilar seniority and industrial types have critical differences on leadership style, organization culture, motivation system and job satisfaction.(3)It is a positive relation between leadership style and job satisfaction.( 4)It is a positive relation between organization culture and job satisfaction.(5)It is a positive relation between motivation system and job satisfaction.( 6)It also has a positive relation between leadership style and organization culture.(7)The interaction function of leadership style and motivation system have partial relation to job satisfaction.(8)The interaction function of organization culture and motivation system have partial relation to job satisfaction. The transform type of leadership style, hierarchical stable type and internal reward of motivation system have more forecasting ability to job satisfaction.
