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篇名 台灣金融控股公司所屬銀行之特質及銀行績效探討
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 Study on the Performance and Characteristics of Banks under Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan
作者 彭雅惠吳東姿
頁次 19-32
關鍵字 DEALogistic RegressionFinancial Holding Company資料包絡分析法羅吉斯迴歸金融控股公司
出刊日期 200606





This study addresses the efficiency evaluation and the characteristics of banks under the financial holding company structure. Adopting data envelopment analysis (DEA), we use interest expenses, loans and employee numbers as the inputs and use operating revenues, interest revenues and other revenues as the outputs. Empirical results suggest that the efficiencies of banks under financial holding companies are superior to the other banks. Itimplies that the establishment of financial holding companies positively influences bank efficiencies. Further analysis reveals that banks which have large assets and high efficiency are more likely to be the merger targets for financial holding companies. On the other hand, banks with high non-performing loans ratio, more branches, merging other banks previously or the privatization of government-owned banks are less attractive.

