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篇名 柯氏性格量表效度概化之統合分析
卷期 43:2
並列篇名 A Meta-Analysis of KMHQ's Validity Generalization
作者 林世華黃寶園
頁次 21-42
關鍵字 效度概化统合分析柯氏性格量表KMHOmeta-analysisvalidity generalizationTSSCI
出刊日期 199810


本研究之目的乃在透过统合分析法(meta-analysis),对「科氏性格量表」过去34年来所累积的研究资料,做客观、计量性的分析,以了解其效度概化的程度。经计算机程序Meta-HC 分析后显示:当以「科氏性格量表」作为人格上的区辨工具时,以在心理症病人的效度最高,其次依序为特殊族群、不同心理症病人、犯人;而当施测于生理症病人与男女之间时,其区辨力稍嫌不足。综观本研究的结果显示:「科氏性格量表」的效度概化程度颇高,区辨力颇为理想,因此是一个值得进一步开发、研究以及推广使用的人格测验。


This research aims at objective and statistical analysis on the investigative data of Ko's Mental Health Questionnaire (KMHQ) in the past thirty-four years to get some idea about the extent of KMHQ's validity generalization. This research employs the computer program Meta-HC as the analyzing tool. The research reveals : Among the six independent variables, the weighted average effect size of the psychological-invalids is the highest, meaning that KMHQ's distinguishing capability being the strongest The next three independent variables are special clans, nonpsychological-invalids and criminals. However, the effect size on physical-invalids and sex only reach mid or low degree, showing that KMHQ's distinguishing capability on physical-invalids and sex is not high. To sum up, the utmost conclusion of this research is that, the extent of KMHQ's validity generalization is pretty high, its distinguishing capability is pretty idealized. Therefore, KMHQ is a personality test that deserves to be further developed, studied as well as popularly adopted.
