
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 大學圖書館館員對館長領導風格之認知研究
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Perceived Leadership Style of University Library Directors
作者 陳書梅
頁次 49-69
關鍵字 領導風格Leadership StyleUniversity LibrarianLeadership BehaviorUniversity Library Director大學圖書館館員大學圖書館館長領導行為TSSCI
出刊日期 200212




Library administration has been challenged by rapid advancements in information technology. The period of organizational stability for libraries is gone. Librarians are being called upon to provide a larger number of services to the public. Leadership may play an important role in helping libraries cope with heavier demands from users as well as increasingly complex information technology. However, only few studies have addressed the topic on leadership within the field of librarianship. This article presents a review of current leadership literature and empirical studies on the perceived leadership style of university library directors. The author urges a redesigning of curriculum in the library field to help students develop high quality leadership skills and support their future careers in librarianship.
