
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 大學教師網路閱讀行為之初探
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 An Exploratory Study on E-reading Behaviors of Academic Faculty
作者 林珊如
頁次 75-92
關鍵字 閱讀研究數位環境資訊行為InternetE-readingWWW Reading researchDigital environmentInformation behavior網際網路網路閱讀TSSCI
出刊日期 200306




This paper reports an investigation on the e-reading activities of academic faculty members on the Internet. The empirical data were collected via in-depth interview with 24 individual members from 5 universities in North Taiwan and were analyzed using grounded theory approach. The author explores and discusses the findings based on the major
themes of e-reading activities among the faculty under study, including the diverse reading situations, multiple sources of reading materials, five influential factors of e-readings, and more positive impacts of e-reading. Overall, the faulty members’ e-reading activities are mostly task oriented and are influenced by a small set of factors. The paper concludes that the nature and motivation of reading are not changed much in the digital environment, but the source of reading materials is more diversified. Some technology-enabling reading activities do happen such as ‘forwarding’ emails, and so do the after-reading information processing
