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篇名 新修訂之國際衛生條例(2005HR)對國家主權的影響
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Revised International Health Regulations and its Impact on State Soverignty
作者 江素慧楊哲銘
頁次 23-45
關鍵字 國際衛生條例全球化傳染病國際衛生合作主權多邊主義International Health Regulations Multilateral AgreementseState SovereigntyInfectious DiseaseInternational Public HealthGlobalization
出刊日期 200810


在全球化的時代下,頻繁與無障礙的貨物及人員交流,使得單獨或區域性的公衛危機十分迅速地擴散蔚為國際性的重大事件。國際社會對於全球衛生健康議題愈來愈重視,國際衛生條例(IHR)作為重要的國際衛生法其地位與角色便在“疾病全球化”的趨勢之下,日益突顯。有鑒於此,國際上對於1951年適用至今的國際衛生條例逐漸出現修正與調整的呼聲。目前大多數對於近期IHR 修訂的探討多集中在全球衛生危機管理並且比對新舊條文內容的差異。然而任何一種國際法的修訂,除了其所標榜欲獲致各項的良善結果之外,對於各會員國必定會造成不同程度的影響,其原因即在於各會員國的政治體制、本身的能力以及利益考量皆有差異。而部份會員國便對於新修正之國際衛生條例可能對各該國主權的侵犯產生疑慮。關於這部份的討論似乎較受忽視。本文首先探討多邊主義與國家主權的關係;接著介紹多邊主義對全球健康領域的影響與衝擊並討論新舊IHR的差異以及新版IHR中的規定所引起部份會員國對主權議題的關切;最後,則簡要介紹我們的因應策略。


In the age of globalization, infectious diseases can easily cross national
boundaries and regional epidemic can easily develop into an international crisis. Therefore, the international community is paying more attention to global health issues than before. Globalization of infectious diseases compels the international community to consider the reasonable and effective governance of public health, and the outdated International Health Regulations (IHR) in 1969 becomes the target of revision. The revised IHR has in many ways fulfilled the need of the international community to deal with the serious public health threats, but it also raised the sovereignty concern in some member states. This article first addresses the relationship between the multilateral agreement and the state sovereignty, and secondly, introduces the impacts of multilateral agreements on global public health and the concern of the member states when the revised IHR enters into force. Finally the paper presents the coping measures of the Taiwanese government.
