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篇名 Dialogical Interaction in Cyber Joint Activity of Feedback and Revision: Inner Speech in Multiple-Draft Compositions
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 網路寫作教學的對話式互動:探索批改英文作文的內在言語
作者 邱智仁
頁次 89-99
關鍵字 Cyber teachingMultiple-draft compositionsInner speechDialogical interaction網路寫作教學多稿作文內在言語對話式互動
出刊日期 200906




This paper presents a joint activity (adapted from Leont’ev, 1992) of dialogical interaction that occurs between an online teacher’s inner speech of feedback and his students’ inner speech of revision in a particular cyber context of teaching multiple draft compositions. The two major components of dialogical interaction are the so-called question-form comments in the teacher’s written feedback and their subsequent learner revisions. The question-form comments were found to be both indirect and facilitative. The indirect language of question-form comments seemed to create a democratic atmosphere and direct learners’ attention to the meaning making of the content. Whether self-regulated or other-regulated, question-form comments frequently led to learners’ self-corrections and thus provided a great avenue to help the students to become more autonomous learners of second language writing.
