
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 從教育社會學的觀點檢視十二年國民基本教育政策
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 Exploring the Twelve-Year Public Education Program from the Perspective of Sociology of Education
作者 施祐吉黃毅志
頁次 35-64
關鍵字 twelve-year public education programsociology of educationhigh school superior quality program教育社會學高中職優質化十二年國民基本教育政策TSSCI
出刊日期 200908




In this paper, researchers explore the Twelve-Year Public Education Program from the perspective of sociology of education. The main goals of the Twelve-Year Public Education Program are as follows: First, to promote civil quality; Second, to improve equality of educational opportunities; Third, to shrink the educational gap; Fourth, to release the stress of entrance high school. Because there are 95% of enrollment rate of post-secondary education now, it cannot promote the quantity too much. Authors argue that in regards to the “quantity,” it is not helpful to enforce the Twelve-Year Public Education Program to achieve the goals. On the other hand, in regards to the more important “quality,” authors contend that the High School Superior Quality Program is ineffective in improving high school students’ quality, and famous senior high schools and tracking of secondary education still remain. Therefore, it is not very helpful in achieving the goals, either. Nevertheless, it is helpful to subsidize disadvantaged students’ tuition which decreases the effect of family income, but it cannot decrease the inequality of educational opportunities influenced by parents’ education and occupation. In regards to the Twelve-Year Public Education Program, this study provides some suggestions; First, to break the myth of famous high schools; Second, to abolish vocational high schools and to delay tracking; Third, to offer remedial instruction for disadvantageous students who are low socioeconomic background.
