
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 大學教育品質與學生學習發展之因果模式研究
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 The Causal Model of Quality for College Education and Outcomes of Learning and Development of Students
作者 劉若蘭
頁次 99-124
關鍵字 quality for college educationoutcomes of learning and developmentcausal model學習發展成果因果模式大學教育品質TSSCI
出刊日期 200908




The purpose of this study was to explore the causal relationship between the quality for college education and outcomes of learning and development of students. The variables of this causal model included: input factors (colleges’ and students’ characters), process factors (campus support, social involvement, academic involvement) and outcomes of learning and development (satisfaction for learning outcomes, multiple competences). The data of the study collected from the junior survey of higher education data base on 2005 by Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development at National Taiwan Normal University. The participants consisted of 8,618 students of public universities and 15,793 students of private universities. Total size of the sample was 24,411 students. Data analysis was using Structural Equation Modeling to test the fitness of the causal model of this study. The findings were as follows: the fitness of model is good and all the paths are significant, except the direct effect from ethnic identities to social involvement. Finally, recommendations for college faculties and student affairs staffs to improve their teaching and programming were presented.
