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篇名 遺傳學解題歷程模式的建構與解題測驗的發展
卷期 27:2、27:2
並列篇名 The Construction of the Genetics Problem Solving Processes Model and the Development of Genetics Problem Solving Test
作者 楊坤原
頁次 77-84
關鍵字 高級中學遺傳學解題遺傳學解題歷程模式遺傳學解題測驗Senior high schoolGenetics problem solvingGenetics problem solving processes modelGenetics problem solving testGPTS
出刊日期 199906


     本研究旨在分析相關文獻,建立遺傳學解題歷程模式,並據之為理論架構以發辰與效化高一學生適用之「遺傳學解題測驗」 (GPST)。 研究結果顯示,遺傳學解題歷程模式包括:1. 理解問題,2. 探究問題, 3. 選擇解題策略、4. 進行解題和 5. 回顧與驗證等五個階段。在以台北地區 477 名高一學生為對象施測後,結果發現,CPST 的內部均質性信度達 0.90。 內容效度、同時效度與構念效度的考驗亦屬良好。經主成分分析可抽出一個共同因素,即「遺傳學解題能力」。綜合上述各項考驗的結果,可以確認 CPST 是一份適宜作為評量遺傳學解題歷程的工具。


     The purpose of this research was to build the genetics problem solvingprocesses model and based on it to develop and validate denelics Problem SolvingTest (GPST) as the ineasureinent instrument of 10th grade students. The geneticsproblem solving probesses model which was build by integrating some other modelsincluded five stages: 1.understand problem, 2.explore problem, 3.select problemsolving strategies, 4.excute problem solving, and 5.review and evaluate.According to the testing result of 477 10th grade students ofTaipei region, itcould be found that the internal consistency coefficient of GPST was 0.90. Thecontent validity, consistency validity, and construct validity of GPST weresatisfactory. By way of principal component analysis, there was one factor--
