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篇名 Evaluation for Computer-Simulated Problem Solving
卷期 27:1、27:1
並列篇名 電腦模擬問題解決法之評估
作者 賀嘉生許呈如
頁次 77-82
關鍵字 Problem solvingProblem solving pathCPSNCoordinate problem solving network evaluation問題解法法解題路徑座標化解題網路評估結果
出刊日期 199903




     Problem solving is a procedure to transform the given state or sourceproblem to the goal state or destination problem. Such serial transformationfrom source to destination is a PS (Problem Solving) pathe and a collection ofPS paths can be illustrated in a computer by a directed graph, called problemsolving network. To evaluate the performance of PS paths, this paper proposes anevaluation vector of CPSN (Coordinate Problem Solving Network), which gives eachproblem a unique (x,y) coordinate, and describes the evaluation principles. InCPSN representation, x-coordinate indicates the target offset of the problem;whereas, y-coordinate represents its deviation from the shortest path. For agiven PS path, an evaluation vector can be found to indicate the performance ofeach solving step. Each element of evaluation vector corresponds to the judgmentindex of the applied operator of each solving step. This judgment index can beinterpreted by the given evaluation principles. Two practical examples of Hanoitower and one-variable linear equation show that the evaluation vector candiscover many evaluation results for the problem solving.
