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篇名 臺灣非金屬礦物製品製造業之投入替代、技術變動及規模經濟分析
卷期 25:2、25:2
並列篇名 Input Substitution, Technical Change, and Scale Economies in Taiwan's Nonmetal Minerals Industry
作者 林師模蔡印來
頁次 21-30
關鍵字 成本函數非金屬礦物製品替代彈性規模經濟Cost functionsNonmetal mineralsTechnical changeScale economies
出刊日期 199705


     本文透過估計臺灣非金屬礦物製品製造業之長、短期成本函數,探討其生產投入替代、技術變動偏向及規模經濟的情形。觀察根據估計結果計算所得之各種彈性值及分析數值, 如價格彈性、Allen 及 Morishima 替代彈性、產出彈性... 等, 使我們對非金屬礦物製品製造業過去二十餘年的生產情況有了更深入的瞭解。基本上,民國 70 至 80 年間是此一行業較為風光的年代,近年來則有投資不足、規模報酬遞減等現象,值得我們關注。


     This paper analyzes input substitution, technical change bias, andeconomies of scale measures for the Taiwan nonmetal minerals industry. Byestimating the short- and long-run variable cost functions of the industry, wecalculated the price elasticities, Allen partial elasticities of substitution,Morishima elasticities of substitution, output elasticities, as well as theinput bias of technical change and economies of scale measures for the industry.The results reveal that the 1980s. have been the most prosper years for thenonmetal minerals industry. The underinvestment and decreasing returns to scalephenomena found in recent years, however, seem to signal the declining of theindustry, which deserves our attention.
