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篇名 A Preliminary Investigation of the Listening Strategies of EFL Learners
卷期 25:2、25:2
並列篇名 EFL學生英語聽力策略研究調查
作者 錢景甯李嵬
頁次 45-66
關鍵字 聽力策略策略運用外語學習第二語學習英語為外語聽力過程聽力理解聽力問題Listening strategiesStrategy useForeign language learningSecond language learningEnglish as a foreign languageEFLListening processesListening comprehensionListening problems
出刊日期 199705


     Since teaching methods often influence how students learn, teachersshould become more aware of the nature of listening as well as their students'learning strategies in order to orientate their teaching methods moreappropriately. Unfortunately, most language instructors are not aware of theirstudents' learning strategies or how these strategies can result in particularkinds of aftereffects (O'Malley et al., 1985a; O'Malley et al.,1985b; Chamot etal., 1987). This study aims to identify the listening strategies of Chineselearners of English in an EFL context using a sample of students from Chung YuanChristian University in Taiwan. Two aspects of listening strategies have beenstudied:firstly to find out whether there is any difference in strategy usebetween the mostly advanced learners and the lowest-level learners at grammarand vocabulary, and secondly to compare four groups of different proficiencylevels in their application of various categories of listening strategies, andto identify the causal relationship between a range of strategies and a goodperformance in listening assessment. In order to find out how differently thesample groups interpret oral language, various testings, questionnaires, andinterviews were undertaken ANOVA was employed to analyze the variance in theuse of the most commonly used listening strategies between paired groups. Tohelp TESOL teachers to re-set their course objectives, the multivariate stepwiseregression was performed to identify the most effective strategies for goodlistening within the three categories of strategies:linguistic, congnitive, andextra-linguistic. The results indicate that there is a significant difference instrategy use between better-listening groups and poor-listening groups. Thehighest-ranking group are good at using a greater number or the three categoriesof strategies simultaneously. The findings also suggest that TESOL educatorsshould help learners become more conscious of the importance and the developmentof more cognitively demanding strategies after they have some mastery over thelinguistic knowledge. The importance of learners' attitude towards foreignlanguage learning cannot be ignored about a better performance in listeningcomprehension.


      本研究探究不在英語環境長大的中國學生在聽英文時所使用的各種聽力策略並辨認其中最有效率的策略。本文前半部份將現存有關聽力策略文獻整理簡述,後半部份陳述本研究重點、過程、和結果。研究者比較文法與字彙最優和最差的學生在聽力策略運用上有無差別、四組聽力程度不同學生在不同類別聽力策略運用上有無差別、以及不同類別聽力策略運用與聽力理解好壞有無關連。 本研究使用的鑑定方法包括利用英語能力測驗 (EPT) 及多項英語聽力測驗評鑑其聽力、而面談及問卷調查用來鑑定其使用的聽力策略。資料分析部份先採用 ANOVA 驗證四組聽力程度不同學生與運用不同類聽力策略之間的變異關係, 並採用多變數階梯迴歸法 (multivariate stepwise regression) 分辨聽力策略類別中最具影響聽力成績的策略。研究結果顯示聽力程度最優組與聽力程度最差組在聽力策略運用上有顯著差異,最優組不僅所使用的各種聽力策略數量較多,而且也比較會同時運用不同類別的聽力策略。其他的重要結果包括: 文法與字彙是英語聽力理解的基礎裝備,但當學生已具相當程度文法與字彙的知識,加強演練富認知性要求較高的策略是必要的;當學生選用逐字辨識所聽見的英語、逐字中英轉換翻譯、傾向依賴中英對照表,不僅不能有益聽力理解,反而造成負面的影響,是阻檔聽力理解的絆腳石;再者,學生本文對外語學習態度以及有意識的來使用文中反覆重要詞彙乃是導致聽力理解成功的另兩項重要因素。
