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篇名 損耗性原料及成品在允許部份欠撥下的整合性生產存貨模式
卷期 25:1、25:1
並列篇名 An Integrated Production-Inventory Model for Deteriorating Raw materials and a Deteriorating End Product with Partial Backordering
作者 黃惠民羅時添
頁次 21-28
關鍵字 整合性生產存貨模式損耗性原料損耗性成品部份欠撥Integrated production-inventory modelDeteriorating raw materialsDeteriorating end productPartial backordering
出刊日期 199702




     The integrated production inventory model for deteriorating raw materials and a deteriorating end product has been popularized by many researchers inthe last decade.Most of the models either developed optimal raw materialreplenishment policies or optimal end product production polices. They developeda optimal or near optimal average total cost strategy for each model. However,none of the existing models considered an integrated production-inventory modelwith partial backordering.In this study, an integrated production inventory model with partial backorderingis developed for deteriorating raw materials and a deteriorating end product. Aclassical optimization technique and heuristic algorithms are presented toderive an optimal replenishment and production policy. A numerical example andsensitivity analysis are implemented to illustrate the theory.
