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篇名 彈性製造系統製造商評選要素分析
卷期 25:1、25:1
並列篇名 Flexible Manufacturing System Maker Selection Factors Analysis
作者 王學弘宮大川
頁次 29-36
關鍵字 彈性製造系統評選要素分析Flexible manufacturing systemSelection factors analysis
出刊日期 199702


     彈性製造系統( Flexible Manufacturing System, FMS )是近年來應運而生的新興生產製造系統。它融合多項先進的科學技術,組成相當複雜,並不像一般機器一樣,可以隨買隨有; 同時 FMS 的設置在追求企業的多重目標,使得對此一需要投入大量資金購置的製造系統,於面臨合適製造商的評選工作時,變得非常複雜而困難,而其中之評選要素分析,將是最重要的一環。因此,本文之目的的即在探討 FMS 製造商評選工作應考慮的要素。 在分析的過程中係以過去的相關文獻為基, 配合作者近年來參與實際規劃 FMS 之經驗,而發展出可應用於非連續型為主的 FMS 生產工廠之六大層面要素: 整合能力、工程經驗、品保系統、售後服務、彈性和財務等,並以魚骨圖方式展現其層級。雖然隨著所面對的需求系統之不同,其實質要素或許會有出入,但是,本文所涵蓋的面和其中所探討之詳盡細項,仍具有參考之價值。


     Due to the request of the product variety but less amount in the market, the importance of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) grows rapidly. FMS isa system with complexity in nature, advanced multipl objective functions, andhigh investment cost. These situations make the investment of an FMS morecomplicated. Especially when selecting the FMS more complicated. Especially whenselecting the FMS makers, the considering factors becomes critical.In this paper, considering factors for selecting a proper FMS maker arediscussed. these factors are developed based on the past research works and theauthors' experience involving in a real FMS planning project. The concernedfators, which are applied for discrete part-type production FMSs, fall in sixcategories: the integration capability, engingeering experience, qualityassurance system, after sale service, flexibility, and the finance. Theirhierarchy descriptions are presented in a fish -bone diagram. Although thecontent of those factors may not cover enough for all, we claim that thediscussion can serve as a reference for the further study.
