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篇名 適應性濾波於轉子振動力量測之雜訊消除
卷期 33:3
並列篇名 Adaptive Filter in Noise Cancellation for Force Measurement in Rotor Balancing
作者 陳冠宇吳昌修康淵張永鵬朱明輝
頁次 305-316
關鍵字 雜訊適應性濾波振動訊號力量測NoiseAdaptive filterVibration signalBalancing machineForce measurement
出刊日期 200509


本文針對硬式平衡機之轉子振動力量測,根據適應性濾波的原理,採用LMS(Least Mean Square)演算法訓練權重值,是應雜訊干擾的濾波問題,提出解決的方法,使原始量測訊號中被提取不受雜訊干擾之力量訊號,經過運算,以求出轉子不平衡量之位置及大小、本文所提出的方法藉由數值模擬及風扇動平衡實作驗証之。


This paper presents the way to solve interference problem in force measurement by hard-pedestal balancing machine. According to use adaptive filter theory and choose LMS algorithm to train adaptive filter weighting values. To provide the method to solve the interference problem in rotor vibration force measurement that we can get real rotor vibration signal without interference. After calculation, the phase and magnitude of the vibration signal can be estimated. This estimation is verified by numerical simulation and balance experiment of fans.

