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篇名 靜壓頸軸承特性分析與最佳化
卷期 33:3
並列篇名 Characteristics Analysis and Optimization of Hydrostatic Journal Bearings
作者 張永鵬吳瑋仁康淵陳鎮憲陳一維
頁次 361-372
關鍵字 靜壓頸軸承毛細管節流器遺傳基因演算法Hydrostatic journal bearingsCapillary compensationGenetic algorithm
出刊日期 200509




This paper studies the characteristics of hydrostatic journal bearings with capillary compensation. Based on the simulation results, the optimal design for bearing is the simulation results, the optimal design for bearing is carried out by using minimum loss. The general equations for film pressure can be derived according to the hypotheses of flow conservation along the circumferential and axial lands of bearings with infeed flow from restrictor. Furthermore, the characteristics are obtained by solving these coupled equations.The results of the simulation including load capacity, bearing stiffness and power loss with the various numbers of recesses, restriction parameters, eccentricity ratios and the circumferential and axial land-width ratios. For restriction parameters, circumferential and axial land-width ratios optimal design are determined by using genetic algorithm under the design parameters of supplied pressure, bearing diameter, bearing aspect ratio, relative bearing clearance and rotating speed of journal. The optimal parameters corresponding to the required load capacity are obtained for the maximum bearing stiffness and minimum power loss.

