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篇名 撓性轉子-軸承系統之最佳動平衡位置探討
卷期 33:3
並列篇名 The Investigation in Optimal Locations for Balancing Flexible Rotor-bearing Systems
作者 丁鏞林子慰張永鵬康淵陳鎮憲
頁次 387-402
關鍵字 動平衡影響係數法條件數遺傳演算法禁忌搜尋法最佳位置Rotor balancingInfluence coefficient methodCondition numberGenetic algorithmTabu searchOptimal location
出刊日期 200509




For the influence coefficient method the influences of locations of balancing planes and/or measurement sensors, on the balancing accuracy are very significant, while the influence coefficient matrix for a complex rotor-bearing systems has an inclination to ill condition and then lead to unavailable computation. Besides, the computation of correction masses would be excessively sensitive to measurement errors. This paper utilizes Genetic algorithm and Tabu search to minimize the condition number of influence coefficient matrix for the optimal locations of balancing planes, and utilizes finite element method to simulate multidisk and flexible rotor-bearing systems to determine the steady-state response. Finally, the experiments and numerical simulations verify the promotion of balancing accuracy by proposed optimization for flexible rotor-bearing systems.

