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篇名 具物體追蹤功能之立體視覺導引自走車
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 A Stereo Vision-guided Mobile Robot for Real-time Object Tracking
作者 陳冠宇張永鵬傅培耕
頁次 29-39
關鍵字 立體視覺影像伺服自走車視覺感知Stereo visionVisual servoingMobile robotVisual perception
出刊日期 200503




In this paper, our research goal is to design and realize the visual servoing control of a mobile robot using the stereo vision. In this paper, the mobile robot can track a moving target object because we extract the 3-D distance information of the target object using the binocular stereo vision. First, the pair images acquisition are accomplished by two CCD cameras continuously, and then we can extract the target which has color characteristic of the pair images using image processing methods. Second, the 3-D distance information between the target object and the mobile robot can be calculated by stereo vision algorithm. Finally, the experiments described in the dissertation have shown that the mobile robot carried out for tracking the target object real-time. In this paper, we have designed a stereo vision-guided mobile robot, which combines machine vision and motion control, for tracking a target object with color characteristic real-time. In fact, we give the mobile robot ability in visual perception.
