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篇名 半導體成品測試廠產能規劃研究
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 Capacity Planning for IC Final Test Plant
作者 陳建良項衛中孫正儒陳俊杰
頁次 57-70
關鍵字 半導體成品測試產能規劃無限產能IC manufacturingFinal testCapacity planningInfinite capacity
出刊日期 200503


本研究針對半導體成品測試廠之產能規劃問題,提出一套無限產能規劃演算法。此演算法包含四個模組:(1) 在製品指派模組、(2) 批量投料模組、(3) 產能堆疊模組、(4) 產能平衡模組。在製品指派模組首先收集在製品之資訊,包含測試批目前加工站別、批量數量……等。針對主生產排程所設定之需求,依產品之週期時間預估測試批於各加工站開工及完工時間。當在製品之數量能滿足主生產排程所設定之需求時,則使用在製品來滿足需求。反之,若無法滿足時則使用批量投料模組進行投料。測試批之開工及完工時間計算完成後,利用產能堆疊模組堆疊機台及治具於每日之產能。若生產資源每日產能堆疊狀況在可接受的範圍內則可依此劇本進行生產。若生產資源每日產能堆疊狀況不盡理想時,可使用產能平衡模組來修改測試批之開工時間,以平衡生產資源之產能。本研究以Visual Basic為工具,發展一套產能規劃軟體的雛形,並根據工業界實際的資料以驗証本產能規劃系統。藉由實驗設計檢驗產能規劃系統之績效,實驗的結果顯示所發展之產能規劃系統在平衡生產資源於每日產能不均現象時,具有不錯的績效。


In this research, a capacity planning system is proposed for IC final test plants. Four modules are developed; WIP-Pulling Module, Lot Release Module, Workload Accumulation Module, and Workload Balance Module. WIP-Pulling Module is used to calculate lot start time and finish time to meet master production schedule (MPS), using WIP information such as current operation station and batch size. When WIP quantity is insufficient, Lot Release Module is called. After calculating the lot start time and finish time, Workload Accumulation Module is used to accumulate the workload of machine and jig in each day. If the workload of machine and jig are unbalanced, Workload Balance Module is used to balance these manufacturing resources. A prototype capacity planning software is developed in Microsoft Visual Basic and industrial data are used to test the performance of the capacity planning system. Based on the design of experiments, simulation results show that the capacity planning system is effective and efficient to balance the workload of manufacturing resources including machine and jig.
