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篇名 Two Tunable Sinusoidal Quadrature Oscillators Employing One DDCC and Two OTAs
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 兩個使用單一DDCC及兩個OTA所組成的可調式正交弦波振盪器
作者 侯俊禮陳玉樹
頁次 71-74
關鍵字 差動差分電流傳輸器運算轉導放大器振盪器DDCCOTAOscillator
出刊日期 200503


此篇論文提出了兩個使用單一差動差分電流傳輸器 (Differential Difference Current Conveyor, DDCC) 以及兩個運算轉導放大器 (Operational Transconductance Amplifier, OTA) 所組成的可調式正交弦波振盪器。被提出的電路都是使用一個DDCC、兩個OTA、兩個接地電阻器和兩個接地電容器所組成。電路驗證部分是使用Hspice軟體並套用0.35mm CMOS製程所模擬之結果。這些電路的優點如下:(1) 可獨立調整、(2) 頻寬範圍大、(3) 頻率可調整、(4) 被動元件都接地適合積體化、(5) 靈敏度皆小於1、(6) 完整使用DDCC的接腳、(7) 兩個輸出電壓的相位差為90。


In this paper, two novel tunable sinusoidal quadrature oscillators employing one DDCC and two OTAs are presented. The proposed circuits both use a DDCC (Differential Difference Current Conveyor), two OTAs (Operational Transconductance Amplifiers), two grounded resistors, and two grounded capacitors. The proposed circuits have been simulated by Hspice using 0.35mm CMOS technology. The main advantages of the circuits are: (1) uncoupled oscillator, (2) wide frequency range, (3) frequency tunability, (4) all grounded passive components ideally for integration, (5) the sensitivities are all less than unity, (6) full use of the capability of the DDCC, and (7) acquirement of two sinusoidal waveforms with about 90蚓 phase difference.
