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篇名 利用一次性的SQL改良決策樹建立信用卡審核之信用評等
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 Using SQL-improved Decision Tree for Credit Scoring in Personal Credit Assessment
作者 趙景明張淑珍
頁次 111-122
關鍵字 資料挖掘決策樹信用評等顧客分群結構化查詢語言Data miningDecision treeCredit scoringCustomer classificationStructured query language
出刊日期 200503




Transaction databases in the banking industry contain a large amount of unknown knowledge. For example, applying data mining to the deposit system can realize the financial usage of customers. Besides, applying data mining to the credit card system can find the classification of customers and realize their consuming behaviors. As a result, a bank can utilize this information to provide the best service to its customers. For a long time, the banking industry puts a lot of efforts in developing online transaction processing systems. The types of transactions are becoming more and more complex and the amount of data is also growing up rapidly. However, the bank manager still fails to meet the customer's need and does not find the customer classification status to carry on an efficient direct marketing and customer relationship management. Efficiency is very important in data mining, particularly for large databases. Nevertheless, commercial databases always have a large amount of data. Therefore, a very important problem in data mining is to find required information from large databases. This paper uses a large bank database as an example. We integrate database technology with SQL and apply it to the decision tree building process, which includes the data preprocessing and data selecting processing. This process can effectively clas-sify credit card data and induct classification rules of credit card customers, so as to support credit scoring in personal credit assessment. In additional, we do an analysis between data amount and decision tree building process performance.
