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篇名 運用腦波測量儀量測聽覺情緒反應
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 Using EEG to Measure Auditory-evoked Response
作者 簡佑宏陳建雄黃室苗張文德江潤華
頁次 123-131
關鍵字 腦波測量儀聽覺剌激ElectroencephalogramAuditory stimulus
出刊日期 200503




Pleasure human computer interfaces have been widely discussed recently. Auditory interface is one of them because sound is like other environmental stimulus that could arouse human's emotional response from the bottom heart. Due to the development of technology lately, “EEG” (Electroencephalogram) could detect emotional responses according the variations of physiological signals. Nonetheless, there were not many studies focusing on the measurement of the emotional auditory response. In addition, the procedure of an EEG measurement is very complicated and participants have to attach many electrodes on their skulls, which are not comfortable. In order to understand the emotional response of auditory stimulus, simplify the experimental procedure, increase the efficiency of research and reduce the mental workload of participants, this study try to use EEG to detect the auditory response, then find out the critical electrode positions and the modality of the variations of brain waves. The results of this experiment showed: (1) according the power spectrum analysis, a wave is the most important indicator to the positive auditory response; (2) Fp1 and F7 located on the left frontal brain are the critical positions to observe the variations of the positive auditory response; (3) the positive auditory responses of a wave and d wave show highly negative correlation in position F7; (4) individual differences will influence the auditory responses and (5) sex is another variable which will also influence the auditory response.
