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篇名 規則立方堆積可變形粒子床受單軸向壓縮變形之研究
卷期 28:3、28:3
並列篇名 Deformation of Simple Cublic Packed Deformable Particle Bed under Uni-axial Compression
作者 童國倫
頁次 33-40
關鍵字 可變形粒子簡單立方格子堆積堆積結構單軸向壓縮接觸面積孔隙度Deformable particleSimple cubic packingPacking structureUni-axial compression contact areaPorosity
出刊日期 200009




     In order to study the variation of structure morphology of simple cubic packing containing deformable particles under uni-axial compression, a theoretical contact model based upon the modified Hertz theory was proposed. Effect of particle deformation due to mechanical loading on the reduction of porosity was studied to examine how this variation led to the increase in contact area between particles. Both theoretical and experimental results show that the theoretical model can be used to predicate the mechanical behaviors of gel particle under mechanical compression well. Based upon the theoretical derivation and the verification of experimental results, a correlated relationship between specific surface area ratio and bed porosity is presented as follow:□=□This theoretical relation can be used to estimate the variation of specific surface area ratio with porosity.
