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篇名 應用地理資訊系統探討河川高灘地曼寧粗糙係數及其水位之研究
卷期 28:3、28:3
並列篇名 Using Geographic Information System to Study the Manning Roughness Coefficient and Water Surface Profiles of River with Berm
作者 蔡西銘邱金火謝孟良
頁次 41-48
關鍵字 曼寧粗糙係數高灘地地理資訊系統Manning roughness coefficientBermGeographic information system
出刊日期 200009




     The river flow capacity is influenced greatly by the Manning roughness coefficient, but the estimate value of Manning roughness coefficients of the previous studies was considered as a constant value in all river cross-sections. Thus, the previous estimate values could not change with the level of river water surface, and could not reflect the influence of Manning roughness coefficients change with the distribution of berms in the river. In order to evaluate the influenced of water surface level due to the berms development, Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to investigate and record the berms distribution of the research region and to digitize them. It would make the combination of GIS and models, convenient to have the most precise in the forward research process.
