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篇名 中原大學教育理念形成、共識與擴散--科技與人文融合之觀點
卷期 26:4
並列篇名 Formation, Cognition and Expansion of the CYCU Educational Concept--Viewpoint on the Alignment of Technology & Humanity
作者 張光正呂鴻德
頁次 1-8
關鍵字 教育理念教育遠景全人教育使命宣言Educational PhilosophyMission StatementEducational的sionHolistic Education
出刊日期 199811




Scanning the causes of society chaos, personal prejudice and rigid educational system are the two essential ones. In accordance with the development of era and diversity of society, everyone of us should accept different opinions with broad perception and profound nurture. The previous education system focuses on professional training, but neglects the inspiration of thoughts and knowledge. Thus, the academic discipline is highlighted and general knowledge is overlooked.Education is a permanent and continuous affair. Itis the norm which leads school toward long-term developme肘, continues splendid tradition, follows welldesigned plan, extends and implements educational philosophy. At 40th foundation anniversary, Chung Yuan Christian University emphasizes the unique Holistie Education. We follow our educational mission and philosophy, construct the “FourBalances" and “Threemilestones" of Holistic Education and advocate that Holistic education is CYCU's education vislOn across eras. This essay describes the detailed formation, consistent conception and diffusion of Chung Yuan Chritian University's educational philosophy, and interprets the importance of“technology" and “humanity".
