
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 重複聆聽、故事難度和識字能力對聽力理解的影響
卷期 38:3
並列篇名 The Effects of Repetition, Story Difficulty, and Character Recognition on Listening Comprehension
作者 吳宜貞戴麗觀
頁次 251-270
關鍵字 故事難度重複聆聽識字能力聽力理解Character recognitionListening comprehensionRepeated listeningStory difficultyTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200703




This study used a 3 (once vs. twice vs. three times) × 2 (easy vs. hard) experimental design to estimate the effects of repetition and story difficulty on fifth graders’ listening comprehension. The 192 participants came from 6 classes, which were randomly assigned to each of the 6 experimental conditions. It was found that, despite the number of repetitions and story difficulty, students listening to the easy story had higher comprehension scores than those listening to the hard story. For the easy story, no significant difference was found between any two repetition groups; however, for the hard text, those students listening to the story three times did obtain significantly higher comprehension scores than those listening to the story only once or twice. With regard to repetition, after listening to the story twice, the students’ growth of comprehension became stable. These results indicated that repetition had a positive effect on listening comprehension and the difficulty level of a text plays an important role in listening comprehension. It is concluded that, when presenting information, the teachers should base their decision as to the number of repetitions on material difficulty and student ability in order to improve the students’ listening comprehension.
