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篇名 寫作者的讀者覺察能力分析及其影響效果之研究
卷期 38:3
並列篇名 Writing to be Read:A Study of Young Writers' Composing for Contrasting Audiences
作者 陳鳳如
頁次 291-310
關鍵字 寫作者寫作能力讀者覺察能力Audiences awarenessCompositionWriterTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200703


本研究的目的有二:(一)分析寫作者之讀者覺察能力,並進一步比較不同寫作能力者在此項能力上的差異;(二)探討不同寫作能力者與真實讀者互動後,對其讀者覺察能力及寫作產品之修改的影響。基於上述的研究目的,分別選取撰寫商品廣告詞的國小五年級之高、低寫作能力者各18 名,以及評定商品廣告詞的五年級優秀讀者14 名、有經驗的成人讀者7 名,透過寫作者與真實讀者評估寫作產品的一致性來間接推估寫作者的讀者覺察能力。研究結果發現,五年級之寫作者能因應五年級讀者和成人讀者的需求寫出兩種不同內容的文章,尤其較能正確因應五年級讀者群的意圖。此外,高寫作能力者對自己寫作產品的自評和讀者的評判結果,比低寫作能力者有較高的一致性。經與真實讀者交流互動後,高、低寫作能力者之寫作產品的自評和讀者評判結果的一致性,皆有所提昇。就寫作產品的內容分析,亦顯示不管高、低寫作能力者均能依其讀者對象的不同而有不同的文章修改。


This study explored the audience awareness of 36 fifth-grade students when they composed and revised an original text for two audiences – a good fifth-grade reader and an experienced adult reader – in a realistic transactional writing task. A realistic transactional writing task is one in which the audience addressed by the writer, not an independent rater or a teacher, determines whether the writer has successfully revised the composition to meet the audience’s needs and expectations. Fifth-grade and adult readers attempted to identify the target audience in two revisions produced by each writer (72 texts in total). Tests of significance for proportional differences revealed that the fifth graders could successfully revise their texts according to the types of audiences. The fifth graders were more successful in addressing the fifth-grader audience than the adult audience. The expert writers performed better than the novice writers in terms of audience awareness.
Finally it was demonstrated that the fifth-grade writers could improve their audience awareness through conferences with the realistic readers.
