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篇名 受督者在諮商督導情境中的情緒覺察歷程研究
卷期 38:3
並列篇名 Supervisees' Emotional Awareness Process during Supervision Sessions
作者 蔡秀玲陳秉華
頁次 311-329
關鍵字 情緒覺察發現式取向諮商督導歷程研究Counseling supervisionDiscovery-oriented approachEmotional awarenessProcess researchTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200703


督導是促進諮商師專業發展的關鍵要素,情緒覺察為重要的督導任務之一。本研究旨在探討督導情境中,受督者對諮商中被引發的情緒之覺察歷程與覺察之後的影響,研究方法採用質性研究的發現式取向歷程研究。研究對象包括三組督導者- 受督者的配對,每對進行連續六次的個別督導,研究資料取自三對共18 次的督導全程錄音與逐字稿,以及三位受督者每次督導結束後的事後訪談,共有18 次的事後訪談錄音及逐字稿。研究結果發現:單次督導中,受督者的情緒覺察歷程有「預備探索情緒」、「情緒再體驗」、「認知探究」及「情緒確認與領悟」四個主要範疇。依據範疇出現的不同先後順序,又可分為三種不同的情緒覺察路徑,分別為:預備探索- 情緒再體驗- 認知探究- 情緒確認與領悟、預備探索- 認知探究- 情緒確認與領悟、預備探索- 認知探究- 情緒再體驗- 認知探究- 情緒確認與領悟。受督者情緒覺察之後的影響包括:情緒釋懷、接納自己的現況、增加能力感、增加情緒處理能力,以及促進專業統整。


Supervisees’ emotional awareness is an important task during supervision. This awareness process was examined in this study. Three supervisor-supervisee dyads participated in the study. Each dyad had six intensive supervision sessions. After each supervisory session, each supervisee was interviewed individually to understand her personal experiences. A total of 36 sessions were recorded and transcribed. The qualitative discovery–oriented paradigm as well as grounded theory was used to analyze process and outcome data. Results showed that supervisees’ emotional awareness process during supervision included stages of readiness to explore, emotional re-experiencing, cognitive probing, emotional validation and insight. Three paths of supervisees’ emotional awareness process were also found. When supervisees acquired emotional awareness, they felt a sense of validation and relief from emotional tension. They became more competent than before. In addition, the supervisees’ learning from emotional awareness process increased their abilities to work with clients’ emotion and facilitated the integration of theoretical knowledge and practice. Implications for future research and practice were discussed.
