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篇名 焦點解決督導成效之研究
卷期 38:3
並列篇名 Effects of Solution-Focused Supervision
作者 許維素
頁次 331-354
關鍵字 焦點解決督導督導成效賦能治療導向督導後現代督導EmpowermentPostmodern supervisionPsychotherapy-based supervisionSolution-focused supervisionsupervision effectTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200703


本研究的研究目為探討焦點解決督導之督導成效。參與研究的六名受督者為一位男性、五位女性,年齡從25 歲至35 歲不等。每位受督者接受四次焦點解決督導,每次督導過程皆錄音且謄成逐字稿;受督者並於三個月後撰寫督導效果事後追蹤問卷,督導者撰寫的督導記錄則為輔助資料;所有研究資料以質性方法分析之。研究結果發現,焦點解決督導成效可分為三大類九小類,各類間有階段性及交互作用的關係存在,其包括:(1)督導目標的確立與達成:對目前個人現況、困境與需求的重新界定;更為理解、信任與尊重當事人;具得知可對當事人立即介入的多元方向;(2)諮商自我效能感的提升:對已發揮的功能增加了意識與肯定;發掘個人例外與資源而更欣賞自己;增加擔任諮商員的寬容、自信與效能;(3)諮商專業的推進:得知未來精進方向;增進對諮商專業與諮商員角色的反思與體認;對諮商專業認同的提升及學習態度的轉變。根據研究結果,本研究尚針對本焦點解決督導成效所反映的後現代督導特徵與治療導向督導的優缺、賦能效益、不同諮商工作年資受督者的差異、以及未來研究等,進行討論與建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of solution-focused supervision (SFS). Six supervisees, one male and five females of 25-35 years old, participated in the study. Each participant received four sessions of SFS that were taped and transcribed. Additionally, data were collected from following-up questionnaires completed by the supervisees three months later as well as records written by the supervisor after each supervision session. Data were analyzed using a qualitative research method. The effects of SFS for these supervisees included (1) identifying and achieving supervisory goals: redefining their difficulties and needs, trusting and respecting clients more, and getting information about how to intervene immediately and comprehensively; (2) enhancing their self-efficacy of counselor role: increasing awareness and affirmation on their accomplishments, discovering and appreciating their exceptional experiences and resources, and increasing their confidence, tolerance, and stability in being a counselor; and (3) promoting counselor professional development: realizing how to keep improving themselves, reflecting on the counseling profession and the role of the counselor, and promoting the identity of the counselor’s role and changing their learning attitudes. These categories of SFS effects can be divided into four stages and the interactions among the categories were noted. Suggestions and discussions of the findings were provided, including the SFS effects reflecting the characteristics of postmodern supervision and psychotherapy-based supervision, the empowerment factors in SFS, the differences among counselors with various levels of professional experience, and future research directions.
