
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 集體車禍兒童心理重建之初步報告
卷期 37:3
並列篇名 Treatments of Children with Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions to Bus Traffic Accident: A Preliminary Study
作者 陳慶福邱珍琬楊妙芬黃素雲
頁次 275-296
關鍵字 心理重建集體車禍兒童班級團體輔導個別諮商Bus traffic accident childrenGroup guidanceIndividual counselingPsychological reconstructionTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200603


本研究探討 33位經驗集體車禍意外兒童,經由9位諮商師及一位臨床心理師,分別對受傷兒童進行1-5次不等的家庭訪視,2-12次的個別諮商,與以班級為單位實施心理教育為導向的6次班級團體輔導一個半月前後,在創傷後壓力疾患徵狀、情境焦慮、特質焦慮之改變情形。研究發現:經驗集體車禍意外兒童在情境焦慮、特質焦慮上和其他五所國小兒童並無顯著差異,經驗集體車禍兒童在接受接受一個半月之家庭訪視、個別諮商與班級團體輔導前後,在創傷後壓力疾患徵狀之評量上有顯著差異,惟情境焦慮、特質焦慮在間隔一個半月之兩次評量上無顯著差異。本研究根據研究發現作進一步討論並提出建議。


The aims of this study were to investigate 33 school children who had experienced a car accident : (1) Did these trauma-stricken children show any change or improvement on PTSD syndromes? (2) Was there any difference on State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety respectively comparing to children of other schools? The results of this study showed that: (1) there was significant difference between PTSD syndromes before and after the combined interventions; (2) there was no significant difference between these target children and children of other schools on State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety; and (3) there was no significant difference found on State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety before and after the combined interventions. Suggestions were made for future research and counseling practice.
