
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 臺灣成年女性性別角色特質、共依附和自尊之相關研究
卷期 36:1
並列篇名 The Study of Relationships among Sex-Role Orientation, Codependency and Self-Esteem of Female Adults in Taiwan
作者 許儀貞吳麗娟
頁次 85-107
關鍵字 共依附性別角色取向自尊Sex-role orientationCodependencySelf-esteemTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200409




The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among sex-role orientation, codependency and self-esteem of female adults in Taiwan. The sample consisted of 320 female adults in Taiwan. Instruments used in this study included Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale, Personal Attribution Questionnaire and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by Canonical correlation analysis and ANOVA. The primary findings were :1. The relationship between sex-role orientation and codependency dimensions (“Put the focus outside of self”, “lack of open expression of feeling” )in codependency had significant negative correlation with expressiveness (p < .05), and “identified caretaking activities” in codependency had significant positive correlation with expressiveness (p < .05).“Put the focus outside of self”, “captured a sense of purpose through relationship with others” and “lack of open expression of feeling” in codependency had significant negative correlation with instrumentalness (p < .05).2. The canonical correlation between sex-role orientation and codependencyI. The first canonical correlation between sex-role orientation and codependency showed that the more the female had expressiveness and instrumentalness, the less she had “put the focus outside of self”, “captured a sense of purpose through relationship with others” and “lack of open expression of feeling”. This result suggested that androgyous female had less “similarity to codependency”.II. The second canonical correlation between sex-role orientation and codependency showed that when a female had more expressiveness and less instrumentalness, she had more “identified caretaking activities” and “captured a sense of purpose through relationship with others”, indicating that “feminine” females had more“identified caretaking activities” and “captured a sense of purpose through relationship with others”.3. There were no interactions between different sex-role orientation and codependency scores for self-esteem.Based on these findings, “codependency” may be different from “similarity to codependency” or “expressiveness” (feminine orientation). For the future research, exploration of the definition of codependency and clarification of the idea of codependency are suggested.
