
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 科學寫作活動的知識建構對國小學生自然科學習效果之影響
卷期 35:4
並列篇名 The Influence of the Knowledge Construct of Scientific Writing Activities on Elementary School Students' Natural Science Learning Effect
作者 羅廷瑛張景媛
頁次 337-354
關鍵字 科學寫作活動知識建構基本能力Science writing activitiesKnowledge constructBasic abilityTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200406




The purposes of this study were: 1. to analyze the contents of knowledge construct from scientific writing activities; 2. to explore the influence of scientific writing activities on natural science learning effect; 3. to understand the degree of acceptance of parents and students’ attitude to scientific writing activities.In the study, the subjects included: 1.Two classes of students were selected from fourth grade, one was the experimental group(35 students), and the other was control group(36 students). The experimental group was administered scientific writing activities, and the control group was not. 2. Three classes of students(107 students) who participating the science writing activities and their parents were administered the questionnaire of science writing activities to understand the degree of acceptance to scientific writing activities. The collected data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA, and the researcher also analyzed the contents of students’ science writing products. The major findings were as follows:1. According to the students’ science writing products, we found that the students could understand, unify, and enhance the characteristics of new concept and performed the basic cognitive abilities to match the needs of nature and life science area during the process of knowledge constructing. 2. The science writing activities could promote the students’ natural science learning effect. 3. Most parents and students supported and accepted the science writing activities positively.The results were discussed and some suggestions for future studies were offered. The results could provide the teachers reference for the teaching work.
