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篇名 國中小創意教師教學策略之研究--四位創意教學特優教師的個案分析
卷期 35:4
並列篇名 A Case Study of Teaching Strategies for Four Award Winning Creative Teachers at Elementary and Junior High Schools
作者 洪榮昭林雅玲林展立
頁次 375-392
關鍵字 創意教學教學策略教學成效Creative teachingTeaching strategyTeaching effectivenessTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200406


本研究目的在探討國中小創意教師實施創意教學活動所採取的教學策略,以及該教學策略所欲達成之學習成效;研究對象以立意取樣選取獲得「GreaTeach 2002創意教學獎」特優獎的四名教師進行個案分析;研究方法採深度訪談法,讓創意教師自我陳述其具體的教學策略,以及實際應用的狀況;研究發現:(1)綜合、英語、數學個案使用討論方法以提升學生尊重心;藝文個案鼓勵學生珍惜資源以增進尊重心(2)藝文、數學個案以討論增進其情意開放性;綜合個案營造環境氣氛培養學生開放性;英語個案以遊戲導向增加情意開放性(3)綜合個案以討論導向、英語個案用遊戲導向、藝文個案用教學導向、數學個案提供具體操作的教材,讓學生由具體思考到抽象思考來增進學生衍生性思考能力(4)綜合、英語、藝文、數學個案所採用的遊戲導向對於少年、兒童都有效(5)綜合、英語、藝文、數學個案皆使用教學導向以提升學生的辨知力(6)綜合、英語、藝文、數學個案皆透過討論導向來增進學生的發問力(7)綜合、英語個案利用教學導向來增強學生自信力;藝文個案則利用環境佈置,讓學生把作品呈現以增加學生自信力;數學個案採用討論導向並給予學生正增強以增加自信力(8)綜合、英語、藝文個案運用情境教學來增進學生的理解力;數學個案透過實驗教學,讓學生自行觀察、驗證來增進理解力(9)綜合、英語個案藉由遊戲導向增強學生間的合作力;藝文、數學個案提供分組以增強學生的合作力。


This Study aims to investigate the teaching strategies applied by creative teachers at elementary and junior high schools and their teaching effectiveness after the implementation of creative teaching activities. Through purposive sampling, this study conducted four case studies on the Outstanding Award winners at the GreaTeach 2002 Creative Teaching Award. The in-depth interview research method is used in order for the selected creative teachers to self-describe their strategies and implementation results. The research findings of this study include the following: 1) The general activity, English, and math case subjects all used in-class discussions to help students develop respect for each other; 2) Art & humanities and math case subjects both used in-class discussion to promote openness in students’ emotional expressions, while the general activity case subject created an environment conducive to openness and the English case subject used game oriented activities to increase students’ openness; 3) The general activity, English, art & humanities, and math case subjects applied activities with discussion orientation, game orientation, teaching orientation, and hands-on teaching materials respectively to help students to think from concrete terms to more abstract terms, thereby improving their derivative thinking skills; 4) Game oriented activities adopted by the four case subjects of general activity, English, art & humanities, and math were found to be effective for teenagers and children; 5) All four case subjects of general activity, English, art & humanities, and math used teaching orientated activities to increase students' cognition; 6) All four case subjects of general activity, English, art & humanities, and math used discussion-oriented activities to boost students’ question raising ability; 7) The general activity and English case subjects adopted teaching-orientated activities to boost students’ confidence, while the art & humanities case subject used students’ works to decorate the school environment to help increase students’ self-confidence and the math case subject adopted in-class discussion to provide positive reinforcement to increase self-confidence in students; 8) The general activity, English, art & humanities case subjects utilized contextualized teaching methods to boost students’ comprehension while the math case subject arranged experiments for self- observation and testing as a way to enhance students’ comprehension; and 9) The general activity and English case subjects applied games to increase student collaboration, while the art & humanities and math case subjects divided students into smaller groups to help them learn to collaborate with each other.
