
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 國中生多重目標導向與其自我調整學習之關係
卷期 35:3
並列篇名 The Relationships between Junior High School Students' Multiple Goals and Self-Regulation Learning
作者 侯玫如程炳林于富雲
頁次 221-247
關鍵字 多重目標導向認知動機情感學習行為Multiple goalsCognitionMotivationAffectLearning behaviorTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200403




This study aims to integrate resent researches on revised goal theory and approach-avoidance theory, and its purposes are to (a) explore the effects of junior high school students’ mastery/approach performance goals and approach performance/avoidance performance goals on cognition, motivation, affect and learning behavior, (b) analyze the changes of students’ cognition, motivation, affect and learning behavior with the overall main effect of time; and (c) investigate the interactive effects of multiple goals by measuring time in junior high school students’ cognition, motivation, affect and learning behavior. The acquired data mainly come from 310 seventh-grade students with a half year study. The instruments used in this study include Goal Orientations Scale, Cognitive Strategies Inventory, Motivation Inventory, Affect Inventory, and Learning Behavior Inventory. The statistical methods used to analyze the data are 4 (multiple goals) ×2 (measuring time) two-way mixed design ANCOVA. The results indicated that (a) there are differences between students of mastery/approach performance goals and approach performance/avoidance performance goals in their using information-processing strategy, metacognitive strategy, ability belief, expectancy for success, positive effect, negative effect, self-handicapping and effort, (b) the development trends have a significant decline with time in students’ metacognitive strategy, ability belief, expectancy for success and effort, but there is a significant increase of de developmental trend with time in students’ self-handicapping and executive help-seeking; and (c) mastery/approach performance goals by measuring time have significant interactive effects on students’ metacognitive strategy and task value, and approach performance/avoidance performance goals by measuring time have significant interactive effects on students’ information-processing strategy, ability belief, task value and self-handicapping. Implications of the results and suggestions for school personnel and further research are also proposed in this study.
