
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 大學生的情緒調整歷程與發展特徵
卷期 35:3
並列篇名 The Emotion Regulation of College Students: Processes and Developmental Characteristics
作者 江文慈
頁次 249-268
關鍵字 大學生情緒發展情緒調整College studentsEmotion developmentEmotion regulationTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200403




This study was to understand the processes and developmental characteristics of emotion regulation in college students. It was mainly concerned with the qualitative analysis of emotion regulatory processes. Thirty-two college students participated in this study and were given the Emotion Regulation Interview (ERI). The ERI asked different situations in which the subject may feel joy, anger, sadness, disgust or fear; and under which, how one was bale to manage his/her subject experience of each emotion, especially with regard to its intensity and duration; and how one can strategically mange his/her expression of emotion in communicative contexts. The results showed that emotion regulation apparently involves multiple complex processes rather than one single serial process; different emotions evoke different kinds of regulatory responses. College students use a variety of cognitive and behavioral strategies to regulate their emotion, including seeking social support, doing enjoyable activities, and adjusting self-cognition. Finally, some developmental characteristics of emotion regulation in college students were also described.
