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篇名 在溝通脈絡下的結構取向教學對國中生英語學習表現影響之研究
卷期 35:3
並列篇名 A Study of the Effects of Form-Focused Instruction in Communicative Contexts of English Performance for Junior High School Students
作者 吳青蓉
頁次 269-294
關鍵字 結構取向教學英語學習表現學習策略錯誤分析後設認知English learning performanceError analysisForm-focus instructionLearning strategiesTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200403




The purposes of this study are : (1) to investigate students’ errors in learning English with the use of qualitative analyses and further to design a form-focused instruction program in communicative contexts; (2) to examine the effects of such program developed by the researcher.In order to accomplish these purposes, the researcher needs first to investigate students’ errors in learning English with the use of qualitative analysis involving thinking-aloud and thinking-by-questioning methods. Participants are 15 eighth-grade students divided into three groups of high, middle, and low levels in English. Based on the errors made by the students, the results can be classified into two patterns: interlingual and intralingual. According to the results of error analyses, the researcher has therefore designed a form-focused instruction program in communicative contexts and examined the effects of the program.There are totally 70 eight-grade students with low English performance in two groups, experimental group and control group. By utilizing Metacognition Strategies Inventory and English Achievement Tests (pre-test after-test) as primary instruments, the data acquired are then statistically studied by two-way mixed-design ANVOA, with a deeper focus on the English learning process in the experimental group by using a qualitative analysis. The results indicates that the form-focused instruction program in communicative contexts could help the students in the experimental group maintain their performances in metacognition strategies and English learning achievements (reading, writing, and speaking). However, the performances of the control group in these inventories and tests tend to decline. What is more, after class, the students in experimental group are able to apply the strategies to retain their learning interests and to actively monitor, evaluate, and modify their English learning habits. In short, form the analyses of students’ English learning process, students in the experimental group become more confident and will to learning English after the form-focused instruction program.
