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篇名 921地震災區寄讀學童經歷地震災難及參與心理重建團體心理轉變之歷程分析
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Psychological Transformation Process of the Primary School Boarding Students from the 921-Earthquake Disaster Area and Psychological Reestablishment Group
作者 羅廷瑛張景媛
頁次 31-45
關鍵字 災區寄讀學童心理轉變歷程心理重建團體Boarding studentsPsychological transformation processPsychological reestablishment groupTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200110


本研究旨在探討921 地震後災區寄讀學童經歷地震災難與參與研究者所設計的心理重建團體心理轉變的歷程。參與對象為六名國小寄讀學童,以質性研究法蒐集學童在團體裡對地震認知、情緒與行為反應的資料,透過逐字稿的分析,並佐以參考團體日誌及相關研究後,詮釋與分析寄讀學童經歷地震災難與團體介入心理轉變之歷程。




The purpose of this study was to explore the psychological transformation process of the primary school boarding students from the 921-earthquake disaster area and psychological reestablishment group. The subjects were six primary school boarding students. The subjects’ responses of their emotion, cognition, and behavior to the earthquake were collected by the researcher,then analyzed and interpreted the subjects’ psychological transformation process according to group data and correlated studies.The researchers got the conclusions that there were five stages of the subjects’ psychological transformation process: (1) Stage I (psychological suffering): The subjects had negative emotions (such as fear), disordered behaviors, and suspected the meaning of life. (2) Stage II (premature): The life of disaster let the subjects understand their parents’ diligence and learned how to be independent. (3) Stage III (felling of loss): The subjects appreciated the care of their relatives, but they still had the felling of loss. (4) Stage IV (passing the sadness): After participating the reconstructing group, the subjects could adjust themselves gradually and had crisis consciousness of disaster. (5) Stage V (psychological reestablishment): The subjects could understand the positive meaning of earthquake from the self-help and interpersonal help, and they could think the events of reconstruction.
Based on the findings, the researchers submitted some suggestions for the reference of practical workers.
