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篇名 國小弱勢學生課業輔導現況調查之研究
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Status Quo of After-School Academic Assistance in Taiwan's Elementary Schools
作者 陳淑麗
頁次 1-32
關鍵字 low-achieving studentsremedial instructionafter-school academic assistancedisadvantaged students課業輔導低成就學生補救教學弱勢學生TSSCI
出刊日期 200806


扶助弱勢是教育部近年的施政主軸之一,政府每年投入了大量的經費在推動課輔方案,但各縣市是如何推展課輔的,我們的瞭解有限。本研究旨在瞭解國內各縣市課輔方案執行的情形與困境。本研究縣市的樣本採立意取樣,共選取8 個縣市為研究對象,再以隨機抽樣的方式決定調查學校,共調查122個國民小學,回收114個學校。調查對象包括學校主管、課輔教師和沒有擔任課輔的教師,三類樣本有效人數分別為96 人、560 人和151 人。研究結果發現,國內課輔資源的分配,愈偏遠地區的學校,課輔資源愈豐富,但課輔執行的方式,地區間的差異不大,方案間的差異則較大。國小課輔主要由學校合格老師執行,且課輔老師擔任課輔的意願高,但課輔的執行從服務對象的篩選、實施到成效的評估,都缺少系統性,也少見學校對課輔教師的專業訓練。在課輔的執行上,學校主管最感困擾的問題是學生學習動機低落以及家長不關心兒童的學習,課輔老師最困擾的項目也多與學生有關,包括學生程度異質性太高、學生缺乏學習動機以及家長不關心兒童的學習,二者均期待得到補救教材的資源。本研究建議教育部推動課輔時,能系統性地評估投入資源的成效,並應強調補救教學的專業性,讓弱勢低成就學生,能依其需要得到補救教學。


Promoting the academic performance of disadvantaged students has been a major administrative effort valued by Taiwan educators. The government has invested considerable resources on after-school academic assistance (ASAA) programs in elementary and junior high schools. However, very few studies provided objective descriptions about how the ASAA programs are conducted. This study aims to describe the status quo and the difficulties of the implementation of ASAA at the elementary level. Firstly, a purposive sampling method was used to select 8 counties from the county/city list of Taiwan. Then 122 elementary schools were randomly sampled from the 8 counties. A total of 817 educators (composed of 96 school administrators, 560 teachers who took part in the ASAA programs and 151 teachers who did not) participated in the questionnaire survey and provided valid responses. The results show that the more remote the schools are, the easier it is for the schools to obtain ASAA resources. The ways in which ASAA implementation vary by program but does not vary with school locations. The major stake-holders who implemented the programs are certificated teachers in the schools. They were quite willing to take part. However, no systematic procedures of student screening, placement, course and instruction design, progress monitoring, teacher training, and program outcome evaluation were observed. School administrators considered the lack of learning motivation, and the efforts of parents to be the most disturbing issues; while teachers considered the individual student differences, lack of learning motivation, and the efforts of parents were the most disturbing issues. Both administrators and teachers ranked “providing remedial instruction material” as the most urgently needed support. According to the above findings, the author provides suggestions that emphasize the profession of remediation program and outcome evaluation, for the Ministry of Education and local education bureaus.
