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篇名 研究報告-2006年台東大學學生對學校滿意度及教學意見之調查研究
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 A Study on Students' Satisfaction with School Administration and Comments on Teaching at National Taitung University
作者 曹仁德侯松茂黃毅志
頁次 151-193
關鍵字 teaching commentsteaching satisfactionadministrative satisfaction教學滿意度教學意見行政滿意度TSSCI
出刊日期 200612


本校分別於2000年3月2001年12月2003年4月2004年5月2005年5月及本次2006年5月,共進行六次「學生對行政單位的滿意度」普查,前四次調查學生對行政滿意度有逐次提昇之趨勢, 2005年的調查學生在五等量表上,對於整體行政單位的服務平均滿意度比2004年降低0.04,本次2006年平均滿意度為3.31,較2005年提昇0.10,亦較2004年微幅提昇0.06,為這六次調查中滿意度最高者。
1. 選課系統及作業程序仍有待改進。
2. 課程排課衝堂及重複性太高。
3. 加強學生就業及教甄資訊蒐集及輔導。
4. 行政效率及服務態度仍有待提昇。
5. 改善學校網路及宿網品質。
6. 充實圖書館館藏及外文圖書。
7. 學校課外活動過多影響學生課業。


Six annual surveys on "Students' Satisfaction of School Administration" had been undertaken at National Taitung University (NTTU) from 2000 to 2006. In the first four surveys, students' satisfaction with administration had increased gradually, but the survey in 2005 students' satisfaction with all the administrative departments showed a slightly lower average score by 0.04 on a five-point (0-5) scale in, as compared with that in 2004. The average score in survey 2006 revealed an increase from 3.21 to 3.31, as compared with that in 2005 and was the highest score among the six surveys.
Students satisfaction with all the academic departments gained from 3.18 to 3.24. The survey in 2006 demonstrated, among all the administrative departments students still have the greatest satisfaction with Library (3.68); while among all the academic departments, the Department of Early Childhood Education got the highest student satisfaction rate (3.68). Among graduate institutes and Master programs, the Graduate Institute of Regional Policy and Development wins the highest (4.52) score. Student still consider that secondary teacher education courses (3.36) are more important than elementary teacher education courses (3.06), special teacher education courses and early childhood teacher education courses. In terms of the administrative services and instructional support, students' made the following suggestions:
1. Improve the online course enrollment system and operative procedures;
2. Minimize conflicting and overlapping course schedules;
3. Enhance information collection on student placement and screening test guidance;
4. Promote administrative services and efficiency;
5. Elevate the quality of campus network system;
6. Expand the library collections; and
7. Acquire a balance between extracurricular activities and academic study.
