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篇名 淺析戴熙山水畫風 —以《天台石梁雨來亭圖》為例
卷期 25
並列篇名 The Landscape Painting Style of Dai Xi, Taking his Painting “Pavilion in the Rain at the Shiliang Falls, on Tiantai Mountain” as an Example
作者 鐘淑如
頁次 47-75
關鍵字 Dai Xi山水畫仿古四王傳派戴熙landscape paintingimitation of ancient mastersFour Wangs’ School
出刊日期 200901


戴熙(1801-1860)活動於十九世紀,向來被視為清初四王傳派的山水畫家。然若將戴熙《天台石梁雨來亭圖》與天台山石梁飛瀑實景照片比對,發現該圖具有寫生取景特色,此與四王傳派多以摹古為主旨,追求筆墨精妙的紙上山水畫風略有不同,引發筆者的研究興趣。此外,就筆者目前所蒐集到的畫作而言,戴熙在 1840 年代左右除了有臨仿前人筆墨的山水外,也有以名山大川為題材的寫景山水畫作;故本文試以《天台石梁雨來亭圖》為例,探討戴熙山水畫風,並透過戴熙的《習苦齋畫絮》探討其畫學思想。


Dai Xi (1801-1860), an active landscape painter in the 19th Century in China, is traditionally categorized into the Four Wangs’ School (四王) of the Qing Dynasty. However, a comparison of Dai’s painting “Pavillion in the Rain at the Shiliang Falls, on Tiantai Mountain” with a photograph of the actual waterfall represented in the painting reveals that the painting was an accurate, realistic depicition of the scene in question. This departure from the Four Wangs’ emphasis on emluating the style of
early masters, and their use of elegant brushwork to create landscapes that were not necessarily based on actual scenes, provided the starting-point for the present study. The author’s research has shown that, by the 1840s, besides producing landscapes modeled on the style of earlier artists, Dai Xi was also painting realistic depictions of famous mountains and rivers. Taking Dai Xi’s “Pavilion in the Rain at the
Shiliang Falls, on Tiantai Mountain” as an example, the present study seeks to explore Dai Xi’s landscape painting style, and to analyze Dai’s artistic philosophy, with reference to his book Xikuzhai Huaxu (習苦齋畫絮, Paintings from Xiku Hall).
