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篇名 應用電子繪本提升學童動物生長之描述性概念
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Integrating Digital Storybooks into Teaching to Promote Children's Cognitive Concepts of Animal Growth
作者 盧秀琴陳月雲
頁次 33-61
關鍵字 描述性概念電子繪本融入教學認識動物生長Animal growth knowledgeDescriptive conceptsDigital storybooks integrated into teachingTSSCI
出刊日期 200809


為提升國小學童的「2-2-2-2 分段能力指標:認識動物生長」之描述性概念,本研究自編能融入「水中生物」與「校園昆蟲」單元共7 本電子繪本,以準實驗研究進行教學,以動物課程學習成就測驗(ATAC)和描述性概念開放式問卷(OQDC)等研究工具進行檢核。研究結果發現,採用電子繪本融入教學的國小四年級實驗組65 位學童,其ATAC 和OQDC 成績高於接受一般講述教學的對照組65 位學童。從描述性概念開放式問卷、動物小書、課室觀察紀錄和教學省思劄記的分析發現,對照組學童對於動物生長概念的描述較簡單而偏向教科書的答案或抄自網路資料;接受電子繪本教學的實驗組學童,對於動物生長概念的描述則模仿自電子繪本的動畫、特徵特寫說明,較能用自己的語言做深入而完整的描述。本研究在教學上,為科學教師提供一個新的教學方向與多媒體資源,方便教師隨自己的需要選擇融入使用;研究者亦提供自編的電子繪本,教師可燒製成光碟給學生使用,學童除可在課堂上學習外,也可在家自學。


In order to assist school-children in learning descriptive concepts of animal growth, the researchers compiled seven digital storybooks in CD-ROM form, and integrated them into “Water Creatures” and “Insects on Campus” units in the elementary school science curriculum. Quasi-experimental design was implemented with two instruments to describe students' concept growth: “Achievement Test of Animal Curriculum (ATAC)” and “Open Questionnaires of Descriptive Concepts (OQDC)”. Results indicated that the sixty-five fourth-graders in experimental group who were taught with digital storybooks had better achievement in ATAC and OQDC than the sixty-five students in control group who were taught with traditional narration instruction. Results from OQDC, students' self-made illustrated booklets, classroom observations, and teachers' reflection diary showed that the control group students could only described simple animal concepts according to the lines of the textbooks and network materials, but the experimental group students were more capable of thorough descriptions of animal growth in their own words through observing and imitating the animated characters in the digital storybooks. This research implies that digital storybooks integrated into teaching as an alternative teaching method can provide science teachers with multimedia resources. Science teachers are free to copy the digital storybooks designed by the authors for students to use so that students can study with it in classroom and learn the concept by themselves at home.
