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篇名 屏東縣國小一年級新生的數與計算能力
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 First Graders' Abilities of Number and Operations in Pingtung County
作者 王國亨簡清華
頁次 1-31
關鍵字 正式數學能力非正式數學能力國小一年級屏東縣數與計算能力學前教育First gradeFormal mathematical abilityInformal mathematical abilityNumber and operation abilityPingtung countyPre-schoolTSSCI
出刊日期 200809


本研究之目的在於瞭解屏東縣國小一年級新生數與計算能力之表現情形,並探討在不同學前教育年資的變因下,學童該項能力是否有差異。研究對象為來自四個不同地區之公立國民小學共計六十九名學童,於九十三學年度第一學期開學後四週內,以「幼兒數學能力測驗-第二版」為測驗工具,採一對一方式進行施測,所得資料以單因子變異數分析瞭解差異情形。本研究主要發現如下:(1)屏東縣國小一年級新生在10 以內的數字範圍內,無論相對大小比較、數數、讀寫與具體物、心算的加法方面,大多都能正確表現。(2)屏東縣國小一年級新生在正式數學能力的讀寫表現上,已達二位數字的水準,雖然正式教材尚未涵括此範圍。(3)關於屏東縣國小一年級新生之數與計算能力整體表現,包括二位數以內的讀寫、一位數以內的數算、計算、相對大小比較等,不同學前教育年資對其之影響並未達顯著差異。


The purpose of this study is to understand the number and operation abilities of first grade students when entering elementary school, and to discuss the effects of pre-school education. The study was conducted on sixty-nine students in Pingtung County from elementary schools during the first four weeks of the fall semester. “TEMA-2” was adopted as the measuremen instnrument. Data were analyzed by “One-way ANOVA”. Results are as follows: (1)Most subjects performed well on numbers under ten in all aspects. (2)The first grade students in Pingtung County can already recognize two digits numbers in reading and writing in spite that the materials are not covered in the formal mathematical curriculum. (3)Different years of pre-school education experiences do not significantly affect first graders' performances on reading and writing for two digits numbers, neither on counting, calculating, number comparisons for the one digit numbers.
