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篇名 蘭嶼完全中學的教育現況與困境初探
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study on the Status Quo and Difficulties of the Secondary Education in Lanyu Island
作者 葉川榮鍾蔚起洪秋瑋
頁次 127-159
關鍵字 多元入學方案原住民教育蘭嶼完全中學蘭嶼教育Aboriginal educationLanyu educationBotel Tobago educationLanyu high schoolMultiple entrance schemesTSSCI
出刊日期 200809




There is a great difference in ethnicity and culture between Lanyu Island and Taiwan. Apart from its isolation from the outside world, the educational environment and the choices in schooling are very different from those in Taiwan. This study selected Lanyu high schools as its subjects and adopted document analysis and interview as the methods to explore the current practices in education in Lanyu, and the rebirth and transformation brought about by the present national education system and cultural crush. The study concludes that: first, Taiwanese education system has greatly neglected the influence of geological location on Lanyu's education. Secondly, the sources and quality of teachers greatly impacted the enforcement of educational policies. Finally, there is a paradoxical relationship between education and Lanyu's local culture. We also proposed six suggestions for the excellent educators to turn the limitations between social structures and spaces in Lanyu Island into the vital spark for the future.
