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篇名 學校本位教師評鑑的實踐與反思
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 The Practice and Reflection of School-Based Teacher Evaluation
作者 孫志麟
頁次 63-94
關鍵字 教師專業發展教師評鑑學校本位評鑑School-based evaluationTeacher evaluationTeachers' professional developmentTSSCI
出刊日期 200809




Teacher evaluation is an important mechanism for enhancing teacher professional development and student learning achievement. The main purpose of this study was to create a framework focused on school-based viewpoints to improve teacher evaluation in a remote elementary school in Taipei County. It also reflected the possibilities and challenges of school-based teacher evaluation from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Results indicated that teachers enhanced evaluation understanding and professional growth after participating in the processes of teacher evaluation. Secondly, teachers could continue to reflect on their teaching practice and build self-confidence. Furthermore, the case school established a professional learning culture through the implementation of teacher evaluation. Overall, the school-based teacher evaluation mechanism had positive effects on teachers' development and school improvement, with the creation of a link between theory and practice. These results should be generalized and implemented in other schools in the quest to enhance teachers' professional development. However, there were some problems in school-based teacher evaluation, including: reconstruction of the evaluation concept, heavy workload and the lack of time management, establishment of the evaluation culture, and the feasibility of empowerment evaluation. Finally, some implications initiated from the practice of school-based teacher evaluation were discussed.
